Update May 2019 on
‘Recommendations for Action to Support those Living with ME’
Written/compiled by Christine Fenton
Last September we posted ME Advocates Ireland founder member Christine’s story of her experience of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) & of her journey with the HSE acute & community services which resulted in an Independent Investigation. See HERE
2018 blogpost concluded with
‘Good news for the ME community:
The investigation report, gives
thirty-three report recommendations, the three most relevant to the ME
Community are:
10.R9. It is recommended for the HSE
that a working group be established to consider the development of a national
guidance document for ME. It is also
recommended that as part of the remit of this working group, protocols for ME
patients can be developed for consideration by the HSE to be formalised as
consumer protocols for ME patients.
12.R1. It is therefore recommended
that a national guidance document for ME should be developed by the HSE to
provide information and guidance regarding the condition together with
information in relation to the care and support available through the HSE for
its sufferers. To develop this guidance
document, a working group to include relevant stakeholders should be
8R.1. It is recommended that there
should be a standardisation of assessment tools and methodology for ME
sufferers in all CHOs. Any assessment
process used for the purposes of reviewing a service user’s care plan should be
relevant to the needs of the service users to appropriately & adequately assess
their needs. There should be uniformity
in the assessment models used in each community health area.
My sincere hope is that the
implementation of these recommendations will result in a constructive
partnership between Consumers living
with ME & the HSE, as they learn to work collaboratively, to make life with
ME a supported journey, with hope, as biomedical research continues to uncover
the causes of ME & hopefully, in the near future, effective treatments.
In light of these recommendations
there is the possibility of increased hope, an essential human need, for all
those in the ME community.’
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Christine Fenton third from left at the AV Room Presentation in Dáil in Jan 2018 with other members of MEAI |
Today’s news:
The HSE has set up a Working Group on ME.
first meeting will take place on May 16th, 2019.
Christine says:
I believe this is a start, a step in
the right direction for change to happen.
We all need to take any opportunity
the Working Group offers for Service User/Patient engagement forums to use our
voices so the HSE learns to understand our lived experience and what we need
from the HSE.
This is the time for everyone
affected by ME, children and adults, across all levels of severity, mild to
profound, Carers, friends & relatives who see the devastation ME causes to
speak out about the reality of life with ME at any and every opportunity
Finally, the HSE has turned an ear
towards us, let us make use of this opportunity by using our voices.
Join us on May 14th
outside Leinster House or send a ‘tag’ which tells your story, let us use this
event to cast off the cloak of invisibility the HSE & Government have
shrouded us in for so long.
ME Advocates Ireland (MEAI) will continue
to call on the HSE and the Government for change for ME until the needs of
people with ME are met.
MEAI will back Christine all the way &
hope the Working Group will finally open the door to enable us to receive the
care we need.
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